
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Onion Rolls

You must know by now, my love and adoration of bread. Any kind of bread. Yeast breads are still a challenge for me, but I love them. I love seeing beautiful pictures of bread and reading recipes about how easy they are. Once in a great while I stumble across one, that I just know, was made just for me!

Today, I want to introduce you to BeBetsy. I stumbled across BeBetsy's blog completely accidentally. They had commented on a recipe I was reading from one of my favorite Carolina bloggers, and something about their comment made me click back through to see their blog. And there it was. In all it's goodness waiting for me to discover it. BeBetsy's recipe for Onion Rolls. This recipe, is no-knead, so I was already loving it. A simple, manageable recipe, that was full of onions that are GBD (Golden Brown Delicious). I thank my friend Kristine, for making me love the term GBD. Plus, with so much buttery goodness, the recipe was destined for success.

I don't know if it just me, but I have noticed that I have more success with certain brands of yeast, and definite failures with other brands. Coincidence? I don't know yet. But, I will suggest, if you are new to working with yeast, and have problems... Try a different brand and see if it helps you, it sure helped me!

Onion Rolls (Source: BeBetsy)

4 Tablespoon olive oil, divided
3 medium onions, finely chopped
1/4 cup plus 1 teaspoon granulated sugar, divided
1 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt, divided
2 cups luke warm water
2 packages active dry yeast
2 large eggs, room temperature
6 Tablespoon melted butter, divided (at room temp)
6 cups all-purpose flour

In large skillet, heat 3 tablespoon of olive oil, over medium-high heat.  Add onion, 1 teaspoon of sugar, and 1/2 teaspoon salt.  Cook, stirring occasionally, until golden brown or caramel colored, About 20 minutes. Add more olive oil, if needed.

In a large bowl, add 2 cups of luke warm water (105-115 degrees F).  Sprinkle yeast over water, and let stand until it gets bubbly. Whisk eggs, then add to the yeast. Whisk in 4 tablespoons of butter, 1/4 cup sugar, and 1 teaspoon salt.

Reserve 1/4 of the cooked onions.  Add remaining onions and flour to the yeast mixture.  Mix until a sticky dough forms.  Make sure all ingredients have come together, and is fully mixed. Brush top of the dough with 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Cover bowl with plastic wrap. Set bowl in a warm area to rise until doubled in size, about one hour.

Butter a large baking pan (I used my baking stone). Once the dough is doubled, punch it down. Butter your hands, and form 24-30 balls, and space evenly on baking sheet. (I find that washing my hands occasionally in COLD water helps keep the dough from sticking so much to my hands) Sprinkle rolls evenly with reserved onions. Cover rolls loosely with plastic wrap. Set in warm area to rise until almost doubled in size.

Preheat over to 400 degrees. Uncover pan, and lightly brush with one tablespoon of melted butter. Bake for 20 minutes, or until golden brown. 

Optional, but recommended: Let cool for five minutes, and then brush with another tablespoon of melted butter.


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Weekend Potluck
Meal Plan Monday


  1. My kids love these rolls. So very good!

  2. Woah, these sound delicious! I love onions and bread, so sounds good to me :) I didn't know that different brands of yeast worked better than others, so I'll keep that in mind! I like to bake with yeast from time to time, but I'm not the best at it just yet!

  3. Wow! These sound great! I am excited to try these. Thank you for sharing.

  4. I love bread too and onion rolls take me right back to childhood! Love them! I've never made them though- this recipe gives me a time to start. Looks delish! Thanks for sharing! Have a great Thanksgivibg my friend! :)

  5. These look Amazing, Kris! I cannot wait to make these! I bet they would be great with turkey and ham tucked inside! Thank you so much for sharing on my page! Happy Thanksgiving, sweet friend!

  6. those are so fluffy! and i'd love the little zip from the onion, so savory. awesome rolls!

  7. Oh I can't wait to try these Kris, they look so soft and delicious! xo

  8. OMG I'm definitely making these!!
