
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Visiting Hilton Head Island

We LOVED Hilton Head Island! It was the first time for both of us to visit any island, and we weren't sure what to expect. My cousin and his family are wonderful hosts and guides, so we really got to see a lot in the short time we were there. 

The weather was perfect the entire time we were there. Of course to us, perfect means above freezing, and no precip. And that is how it was! Not a single rain drop (or snow flake), and temps were well above freezing. At night I would have to throw on a light jacket, but that is how I love my temps. Warm days and cool nights! Perfect!

We visited the Stoney Barnyard Ruins. This was part of the remaining structure of the plantation house.

The buildings here were made of Tabby. So amazing to see this close up.  What's Tabby you ask? Well, it's oyster shells!  Click over to for their definition.

My Truckin' Man LOVED this plant .  Every time we walked past one (which was often) I had to convince him there was no way this would ever survive winter in Wisconsin.

Harbour Town Lighthouse was so interesting. While you climb the stairs to the top, you get to read and see all sorts of historical information because it is a museum!

 To those of you who know me well... Yes, I did indeed walk to the top! Even walked outside! 

 At the top of Harbour Town Lighthouse! For once, my fear of heights didn't kick in and I got to enjoy an amazing view!

The next segment of the series will be from our wedding!


  1. Glad you had a lovely time. Cheers from CArole's Chatter

  2. Wow, how fun.
    I love the plant too. Maybe an indoor plant ;-) you can get it for him for his Birthday. :-)
    Great photos!

  3. What a wonderful place. I love Lighthouses. I also have a "fear of heights" now but that view is worth trying to overcome it. Interesting about the Oyster Shells.

  4. Amazing pics my friend! The last is my fav! :) happy newlyweds!
