
Saturday, April 8, 2017

What Grabbed My Attention This Week

First off, let me apologize for my absence. We have gone from having the flu, to colds, and just can't seem to get caught up!  This week, things seem to be turning around. We are finally getting healthy. We have some of our energy back. That flu bug just took every extra ounce of energy to be found.  And, Truckin' Man is getting back to work. Not a full week, but the lay off is offically over. Yeay!!

While hanging out around the house, not having much to share with you, I had an idea. There is always something I stumble across online that inspires, impresses, or amuses me. I want to share this with you. Just once a week. 
I think it will be fun, and I hope you enjoy it!

What grabbed my attention this week? A food video on facebook.  Yeah, I know, video's are everywhere on social media. But, I really dislike most of them and don't watch many. I could really get on a whole rant about facebook making everything have to be a video, but I will spare you hearing what I REALLY think about all that!  

This video, was a true video. A tutorial. AND... it inspired me!  Watcha Doin Derouen has a Youtube channel with some fantastic recipes!  What was the one that got my attention? Chicken and Sausage Gumbo!

I will be trying out some Cajun recipes this week! I hope you enjoy this video as much as I did.
Click over to his channel and you'll also find the video for Beignets. This food is all so different from Midwest fare, it was fun for me to see how it is made, and how it should look when it's done!

Enjoy, and stay healthy my friends!


  1. Glad to know that you are recovering from the flu and I look forward to your Cajun recipes, Kris.

  2. Oh my gosh Kris, I so agree with you about the videos. Why does everything have to be a video? I miss all the pictures! The pictures catch my attention more than the videos now, that's how many videos are on FaceBook. I swear. I'm glad you are back though, and starting to feel better. We had a rough start to this year too, with all our colds.

    I love Cajun food, the more the better. Gumbo is a particular favorite of mine :-) I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. I am sooo glad to hear that I am not alone on this video issue!
      I think it has been a rough year for a lot of people on staying healthy. Let's put all that behind us and get out in our gardens! Right??

  3. I am glad you are feeling better. It is terrible to feel out of sorts for that long! And I am totally with you on the videos. At first they were catchy, but there are TOOOOOOOO many of them. Unless I can really snap at my potatoes and have them skinned, cubed and in the bowl in the next frame... I don't want to see it ;-)

    1. lol... Yes, the snapping! Ugh!
      Guess what? Husband at a bowl of soup last night.... as a meal!!!

  4. i wondered what had become of you! glad things are getting back to normal. :)

    1. Normal is going to be very welcome after what we have been through :)

  5. Hello,
    I am happy you are feeling better. Atticus did ask about the cookie of the month. ;-)
    Looking forward to hearing about the farm, good recipes and the garden.
    Have a Happy Easter,

    1. Atticus asked about the cookie of the month??? I can't even tell you what a smile that brought to my face :)
      I did have a cookie (bar) in mind, and made it. But, sadly, it flopped! Apparently, I wasn't well enough to be in the kitchen yet.
      But, I will work on it again this week and see if I can't get it. Tell Atticus to stay tuned!
      Happy Easter!

  6. P.S.
    You have a Kris Makes the Best Stuff ... Fan Club over here in this neck of the woods. :-)

  7. So glad you're feeling better! I'm on a blog break too, probably for the month… Sometimes life and sickness just gets in the way!

    1. Thanks, Jess!! Life, happens.... right?? Hope you are enjoying some sunshiney days in the middle of all your running!

  8. Mmmmm sounds good. I actually like watching different videos, some make me smile, some make me cry, some make me angry, some make me learn new things, but that's what is good is the emotion you feel when you watch them.

    1. I am finally going to make this recipe tomorrow! Hoping it turns out well.
      There are definitely some fantastic video's out there. I just get frustrated with facebook for their role in them. But, until they decide to move on to something else, I just have to accept it. Some friends that share the best of the best, so I really rely on them and will watch some video's that make their cut. (Janet, this means you!!)
      Have a Happy Happy Easter!

  9. Glad you are feeling better Kris, it's hard to function when you are feeling down and out, great video.

  10. I am soooooo with you on the videos, Kris. Cute at first. Now too many and they all look the same. THIS video, however, I LOVED! This guy had me wishin I was sitting at his kitchen table with a fork and spoon in my hand waiting for that gumbo to be ready! Glad you are feeling better! Looking forward to your gumbo, too!
