
Thursday, September 15, 2016

Fancy Ketchup (AKA Tomato Jam)

I am loving the fact that I am officially a "Canner" now. Just a novice, or beginner, but I can vegetables that are coming out of our garden. Such a sense of accomplishment when I look at what is in the pantry that we get to enjoy during the cold winter months. 

I follow a couple of canning blogs, am friends with some amazing ladies on facebook that share their canning expertise and recipes, and am part of a canning group on facebook.  Between these media's I kept hearing the ladies mention Tomato Jam. Tomato Jam? Eh. Not interested. But then one day, one of the ladies referred to it as "Fancy Ketchup". Now that got my attention! I was sold on trying this.

And, the rest is history. I am in love. It's sweet, tangy, jammy, ketchupy goodness. We have used it in several different dishes, and even used it to dip tater tots in. Today, I was dipping Bread Cheese in it. Sooooo good. Give it a try with most any thing you would use ketchup for, or just as a new dipping sauce. 

I debated not sharing this recipe, as I can not answer any questions about the canning process. I simply am to much of a novice to do that, but I can not risk losing this recipe.  And I really think if you have tomatoes and like to can, you should try this recipe too!

Fancy Ketchup

5 pounds tomatoes, finely chopped
3 1/2 cups sugar
1/2 cup lime juice
2 tsp grated ginger (fresh)
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground cloves
1 Tbsp salt
1/2 Tbsp red chili flakes

In a large non-reactive pot, combine all ingredients. Bring to a boil. Once boiling, reduce heat to a simmer. Simmer about 1 to 1 1/2 hours, stirring frequently, until jam has reduced. Once you have reached the consistency of thick jam, remove from heat.  

Fill jars with jam, leaving 1/4 inch of head space.  Wipe rims, cover jars with lids and rings. Process in boiling water bath for 20 minutes.  Remove jars from canner, and let set on towel on counter top for 24 hours undisturbed. 

Store jars in pantry up to 1 year.

Source:  Food In Jars

Sharing this at:
Weekend Potluck
Meal Plan Monday


  1. THANK YOU!!! I am so happy you shared the recipe. YUMMY!!!

    1. I thought you would be happy to see this! Although, you were going to get a hard copy in the mail if I didn't post it :)

  2. Your tomato jam looks amazing, Kris. It seems easy to prepare too.

    1. Thanks, Angie! You can also make this with honey, instead of sugar.

  3. Omg this looks SO GOOD!! This is a must make for sure!! :D

  4. One of these days I'm going to get into canning. It's been a goal of mine for 3 summers. I'll admit though, I didn't have enough tomatoes to can anything this year. I had enough to make a batch of marinara and a batch of tomato soup. The hubby's family hounds me for salsa in the summer, so I've used quite a few tomatoes in the 6 or 7 batches they've asked for 😀 I'm hoping for a bumper crop next year and then next year might be the year! I'm going to put back this recipe though, because this sounds yummy! 😋

    1. You can never go wrong with salsa!! That is always a winner :)
      Our tomatoes really started off slow, and I didn't have nearly enough to do anything with either. Guess you have to be careful what you ask for!! Tomato Sauce happening tomorrow, and if they continue on, maybe tomato soup!

  5. when we had millions of tomatoes last year, i ended up making lots of tomato jam and am still enjoying it now! recipe looks goooood. :)

    1. That you have already made tomato jam, just proves how smart you are :) I have to check your blog and see if you shared your recipe :)

  6. This looks delicious and very fancy! Wish I was closer so you could share your canning expertise - I'm a novice at best!

    1. If that were the case, we would be learning together! Which would be so much fun :)

  7. I made this once and loved it. Then I tried it again and tried to make it spicy. I got too carried away with the chiles. It wasn't good at all. So I dumped it and didn't even bother canning it. Live and learn!

    Wishes for tasty dishes,

    1. Oh no! I was very careful to not make ours to spicy, or my husband would have boycotted it!

  8. Your ketchup looks amazing, will have to make this, my husband would devour this by the bowlful. Have a great week-end!

  9. For some reason the idea of canning is intimidating to me. I am more of a freezer girl. But this jam looks delicious and my mom cans, so I can probably work something out ;-)

  10. Wow this is the best you can get going for homemade goodness. I have never canned anything or bottled.. What a great hobby!

  11. Verry cool that you're a canner. I myself only have done refrigerator pickling, but I'm totally going to venture out one of these days. Love homemade ketchup :)

    1. I dabbled last year with refrigerator canning as well. Thanks for stopping by!

  12. WOW! Awesome, I am impressed and so happy you started canning! YAY!!!

  13. I love tomato jam but I've only had it a restaurants. Your recipe sounds absolutely delicious! Have fun canning :)

  14. This looks absolutely delicious and is going on my to try list!

  15. Hello, do you have to skin and seed the tomatoes? Thanks

    1. You do not need to seed the tomatoes. You could if you wanted to though.
      As far as skinning them, I have done it both ways. When the skins were in rougher shaped, I skinned them. When they were blemish free, I left them on.

  16. Oh my, this looks delicious! My mom is into canning so I think I'll call her up and ask if she wants to make this together :) Thanks for sharing, sweet friend.

    Enjoy the upcoming weekend! Hugs!

  17. I have seen some Buzz around about tomato jam to have been really serious about it. This recipe sounds fantastic

    1. Thank you!
      If you have enough tomatoes left, you really should try some :)

  18. Lovely. Thanks for bringing it over. Have a great week. Cheers from Carole's Chatter
