Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Life on the Farm


Happy Spring!! There is no shortage of changes in the seasons happening, so I wanted to share some photo's of what's going on around the farm.

Our lovely Joan, has been happily free ranging and tends to always keep an eye on where I am. 
She seems to think I will have treats for her! (I usually do!)

The Queen of the Farm, happy to soak up that sunshine!

A man and his dog.

Our garden. Oh how I wish we would have cleaned it up last fall. But, we both dived into this past weekend, and even got some dirt worked. Hopefully get some early seeds in this coming weekend.

If the dogs go missing, just look for them in the last bit of remaining snow!

And, things are growing!  Tulips seem very early for us.

The strawberries are happy to see all this sunshine!
