Sunday, April 30, 2017

What Grabbed My Attention This Week

There was a time before living here on the farm, when I lived in a small town across the river, in Iowa. That town is Lansing. Lots of great people in that town.

Kristi is one of those people. I haven't seen Kristi in years, but we are still friends on facebook so I see what she is up to. She has a problem with feral cats in her neighborhood, or more specifically on her property.  Rather than just getting mad, or doing worse things, she is doing amazing things and helping these cats.

Kristi started a Gofundme page. I am not asking you to donate, just to check out her bio on what she is doing. I think she's pretty awesome for her efforts.  Spaying and Neutering is something I believe in 100%, and every cat and dog we have fixed. 

So here's a warm fuzzy to start your week. 
One lady, taking the time and love, helping the cat population.


  1. Our neighbor caught our neighborhood cats and had them fixed too! The kittens were then adopted out and the mother was released. My neighbor figured she would prefer that. I hope you're having a great weekend!

  2. There is an organization in phoenix that does the same thing, what an awesome thing for your friend Kristi to do.

    1. I am loving hearing these positive stories around the country!

  3. My cousin Kris, does the same in her neighborhood, in Delafield, Wisconsin.
    The neighborhood has been helpful to my cousin by helping with catching the cats to be fixed and bringing awareness to the situation.

    High Five's to Kristi.

    1. Amazing! I've never lived in a neighborhood where this was an issue. I guess I was a little oblivious to the problem out there. Kudos to your cousin!

  4. We've had what I suspect is a feral cat lurking around our property for the last 3 weeks. It's completely scared of people, it won't come near me, but it looks like kind of fat and that's what's worrying me. I am crossing my fingers it's not pregnant and about to have kittens here. I hate that people don't fix their animals and then abandon them, but it's a pretty big issue where I live too. The bigger problem here is dogs though. It's just sad. I wish your friend Kristi all the best, she's a good person :-)

