Sunday, September 29, 2013

Around the Farm

We were supposed to be in Pierce, Nebraska for the big car auction this weekend. We cancelled. 
I don't think the ten thousand plus other attendee's missed us. Did you go? 
Since we stayed home, I will share a couple photo's from around the farm this week.

My three "Rosie's". They follow me everywhere!

This is Punky. He is a Porcelain d' Uccle, and is our first bantam.

Meet Harriet.

My beautiful Maximillian Sunflower. LOADED with blooms. And bee's.

Sharing this at:
What'd You Do This Weekend?


  1. Sometimes staying home is the best decision!

  2. Do you live in Nebraska? I need to read your profile. There's no way I'd be anywhere near that auction with the amount of people on hand.

    And bantams -- I have more of them than my Plymouths and am not quite sold on them yet. Thanks for the visit, my friend.

  3. I agree with Michelle, sometimes staying home is best.

  4. i've been trying to get my brother to name some of the chickens that he plans on keeping around for awhile, but he won't do it. i like your birds. :)

  5. Oh I love this post! Your chickens are soooo cute and I love the little bantam. I hope to have some bantams someday!

  6. Nothing like just staying out at home! You need it once and a while! We went to the Fair and watched a fun sheep herding demo and saw tons of antique tractors which was really fun! I love your pics btw, especially your 3 Rosie's!

  7. Cute pictures and I am a HUGE fan of sunflowers. I have never heard of that flavor before. Wonder if I can get some seeds? Thanks for sharing at What'd You Do This Weekend.

