Sunday, May 3, 2015

Around the Farm

This past week was somewhat quiet around the farm.  

Almost time for this fuzzy monster to go in for his spring time grooming!

Truckin' Man was gone for the weekend, and the chickens found there way into his shed and made quite the mess! 
Of course, I thought it was cute :)

I was shocked to find one patch of our bleeding hearts in full bloom! Apparently, this is a nice warm spot!

Hosta's are shooting up further and further every day

Hazel wanted to help with the eggs?

Georgette is always so pretty.

I just loved the way the tractor sitting and the clouds were hanging around this day.

Until next week....!


  1. Beautiful. I love the sky and clouds.
    Your bleeding hearts are so pretty.

  2. I LOVE these happy, bright, adorable pics! Looks like everybody is taking full advantage of being out and about on the farm :) Makes my heart happy! Love seeing all your sweet animals! :)

  3. That's a HAPPY dog!! Beautiful farm photos.
    Have a wonderful week ahead!

  4. Love your bleeding hearts! Beautiful photos!

  5. i love your critter pics. the tractor shot is poster-worthy!

  6. It looks like another beautiful day on the farm, Kris! I just love all of your critters! Beautiful bleeding hearts. Did you ever gently pull them apart to reveal the 7 parts of a bleeding heart? We did that all the time as kids. Looking forward to seeing what you plant this year! : )

  7. Looks like spring is busting out at the farm. My bleeding heart is just about finished blooming now. Your chickens are pretty and the dog and the cat were so fun to see & cute. Neat shot of the tractor.

