Friday, March 21, 2014

Random 5 Friday


After a conversation this week with Carla, from The River, about morels,
 I am so excited for picking season to get here!

Yesterday,  we went to meet with all the powers that be, and the farm is finally in our name!

Since the farm is in our name, Truckin' Mans "Honey do list" just grew by a mile :)

There is still to much snow outside to do anything much out there, but the hens sure think otherwise. It's fun being outside, just watching them stretch their wings.

Our barn cat,s that started living in the basement with all the horrible weather, are finally back outside. I think they are a little sad, thinking they were getting promoted to indoor status. 

Linking up with Nancy at A Rural Journal


  1. The fact that the barn cats are roaming outside again? A sure time Spring is coming....soon, I hope! Happy Friday!! :)

  2. Thank you for sharing about our little chat. :-) I am so excited to learn more about morels.
    Happy Spring!

  3. Morels are popular around here too. People will be out and about looking for them soon.

  4. i'm so excited for them too!! Funny - a very similar morel photo will be on my blog next week. Great minds think alike. :)

  5. Congratulations on your farm -- that's exciting and a perfect time of year to get things done.
    Our outdoor cats stay in the garage during the winter -- although they do try to sneak into the house when I'm not looking. :)

  6. Congratulations on your farm! I'm a born and bred city gal {small town now} but I admire your moxie. Enjoy and best of luck to you.

  7. How exciting to have bought a farm! I LOVE your header photo. You will have some wonderful country living posts I am sure in the upcoming months and years!

